Re: Posole recipe: Thank you very much that is it I have been looking for that for a very long time. My wife and kids will love me more for this.
Thanks for this excellent presentation. The music is outstanding!!!
Just want to tell you that your fame has spread to Ireland. Cooked your Chicken Calabrese last week-end for the family, including a guest from Japan. All declared it a five star hit.
Hi Buzz. Thank you, thank you, thank you for finding this recipe for me. This is great! Ramadan is going on right now and my husband is Algerian so now I will be able to make this dessert for him and his friends. You are a life saver. What a great service you are doing for people. I really appreciate everything! I may contact you again for more recipes.
you have done a wonderful job. thank you for an enjoyable hour yakir, an amateur cook
Hi Buzz, Regarding what type of groceries...I am Armenian. I am looking for an Armenian, Greek or Meditterean type groceries on Long Island, New York. If you know of any, forget about your aunt loving you, I will love you more.
What a wonderful thing to find your website looking for recipes featuring veal and artichokes - didn't find a recipe for a veal stew with artichoke parts but alot more. My father was a search air & rescue pilot for USCG and we were stationed in the bay area in the 60's (I graduated from Capuchino HS) and when I moved to Sacto I met the owners of the Shish Kebob restaurant, ( I got to watch Grandma and Tubby make the phyllo dough on the special metal kitchen table) so I truly appreciate your collection and site. I will be back. Thanks - KC
Dear Buzz, Thank you - you are awesome!!!!! The veal stew with artichokes was delicious, with a baguette & a salad.
Thank you so much, these are exactly what I was looking for; my recipes had burned up in a house fire and now we can have real Chrisstmas cookies. God Bless You and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you very much for the recipes. They are appreciated. Thanks again!
Mashed potato candy: Thank you so much! My father owned a bakery when I was young and I couldn't find the recipe for this candy among his files so your help will bring back alot of wonderful memories. Thanks again!
This web site is soooo unbelievable it will help me a lot through Christmas, My boyfriend has 8 brothers & sisters, 15 nieces & nephews thank you soooo much.
nice site!!! even found some I"d never heard of ">) do you have any recipes for guinea hen or poussin??
Thanks Buzz-Your receipes are great and I love cooking. Thanks for the Wasabi-green pea sugestion, I will try it.
I am starting to bake bread with my two girls on Saturday mornings. They are 3 and 5 and love to get covered in flour. Do you have a recipe for Portuguese Sweet Bread? If so is there a variation from the Azores? Thanks for the help.
The first thing I have to say is WOW! They look like great recipes with some variation. I am looking forard to our journey in finding the perfect Portuguese Sweet Bread recipes. Thank you very much-
Thanks for the recipes(for the crab stuffing). I'm sure that my family and I will enjoy them. Again Thank You.
I found your website about arabic food. Thanks As I mnarried an algerian man i hope this will make him happy. Please feel free to send me as many recepies as you have about algerian cooking and pastry.
I'm making breakfast for lunch, but I forgot to buy something to go with the eggs. I do have some extra hamburg on hand. I s there any thing I can make to go with the eggs? Thank you
Thank you very much for the prompt reply. What are the differences in Spanish and Mexican chorizo, also linguica ? Any suggestions as to where one might find Spanish chorizo in northern California- Lake Tahoe. We recently returned from a month's tourin visit to Spain and really enjoyed the bean soup! We are working on a menu for our gourmet group with the ethnic theme being Sepharic Jewish. Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated. Again many thanks for your help.
I am always looking for new and different and useful food sites, gourmet and comfort alike, and yours is just too adorable (can I use that word?). The x-files music for the x-files recipes, the *Brown Sugar* song in the desserts, the trailing hearts, it's a joy to be here! Kudos on the website set up itself, haven't used any of your rec. yet but definitely plan on it. Thanks again for making my culinary search enjoyable!
re: Your Apricot Yogurt Cake recipe Should the cake be cool or hot out of the oven when you pour the syrup over it? Thanks! I like your site.
I came across your website, absolutely loved it, but couldn't find the one recipe that I was looking for. Do you have anything from the Central Asia area? (Especially Uzbekistan.) I'm looking for some recipes from there, especially the recipe for PLOV or PILAF. I looked at the Armenian recipe that you have posted, and it's not exactly what I need. I need the plov which is made with carrots, onions, lamb, rice, and in some cases chick peas, I think. Please let me know if you have anything like that.
This recipe sounds excellent and, judging by the ingredients, I would say its right on the money. Thank a lot. Just a couple of clarifications if you could. I've never heard of Spanish onions specifically. Are they special or do you think I could substitute regular onions? And what does it mean by "extra salt for dredging". Thanks again, I am anxious to get cooking on this.
Thank you so much for the reply. I think that the recipe at the top of the list is very close to what I'm looking for. I thought that the meat and tomato mixture should have been more saucy and not thick. You have been a great help. Thanx again,
WHAT???? I am looking for a dessert recipie that has calamari as the main ingredient. Thank you for your help.
VEGETABLE SEX How do you determine the gender of eggplants, I have been told the bloom scar at the bottom of the plant will tell if its male or female, is that true? I have noticed that some eggplants seem to have lots more seeds than others do, is that a gender thing or a speicies thing?
Loved the chicken song at the food poisoning page. Had a good laugh.
YOU MEAN ALL THIS IS FREE??? Heh, dont know what the deal is with theis web site, but I LOVE it!! I found it by accident, looking for a salmon soup recipe, and checked out varioius recipes here at Gutsy's, and Im drooling just reading them!!! Is there a fee for these or books to buy??? If not, many thanks for sharing some really great looking recipes, I will be using them a lot! :)
I just found your web-site while looking for something else. It is a very nicely put together site and I can't wait to get started on some great looking recipes.
greetings! congratulations for the best cooking web pages on the net! I was wondering where can I find mid-eastern halva recipe since I've been amazed by its simple ingredient list and wonderful taste. Also I would like to know more about it's history... any myths, stories. If you know where can I find such information on the web, please let me know. Cheers! Keep on with your recipe database!
I cooked your clam chowder with some of my own touches and it came out great!! And I will again, go find the Sweet potato pie!!! Many thanks for your sharing with us !!!!
Thoroughly enjoying the music on the eggplant site. Bravo!
Mahalo nui loa. Just the kind of site I've been looking for.
Enjoyed your site immensely. What an undertaking. I am impressed!!
I can't wait to try some of these recipes, especially the ones for shrimp and salmon. Do you own a restaurant? If not, you should!
What a great find! I will share this with my friends.
This has got to be one of the best sites I have seen. I love cooking so will try lots of your recipes. I will pass this page on to all my friends. Thank you for sharing such a great site.
I love your website and have sent links to all my daughters
I am already making a list of friends to email about your site. Keep up the good work.
Great find! I plan to spend a LOT more time exploring the recipes and the ethnic music.
Please report any bad links..Thanks, Buzz
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